B.O.S home.

Prayers to God and Goddess.
The Wiccan Rede.
13 Principles.

Days of the Week.
Animal Symbolism.

banishment spells.
healing spells.
relationship spells.
mood spells.
daily use spells.
protection spells.
other spells.

moon phases

Welcome to my Book of Shadows. This part of my site contains everything thats in my own personal book. here you can find all my spells as well as other information pertaining to Wicca, dieties, etc.

Prayers to the God and Goddess.
The Wiccan Rede.
13 Principles of Wiccan Belief.

Days of the Week.
Animal Symbolism.

Banishing Spells- use these to rid yourself of negativity, anything from an annoying habit to a restless spirit wandering your home.
Healing Spells- this is by far one of my favorite sections in my book. you can use these spells to heal yourself and other people. however, you should never use a spell as an alternative to good habits and the right medical care if needed.
Appearance and Sensuality Spells- these spells are used to make yourself look and seem more attractive, to attract a lover, and all sorts of things concerning your physical body and sensual side. not to be confused with love spells!
Relationship Spells- the section in my book containing relationship spells has both love spells and spells used in everyday relationships with friends, family, etc. you can use these to aid a relationship, stop gossip, or anything else concerning the relationship between yourself and another. however, you have to be careful with these. trying to control another's thoughts about you or make them fall in love with you is never a good idea.
Mood Spells- this section contains spells used to make yourself feel good or help out another person feel better about themselves. you can get rid of negative feelings or doubts and give yourself confidence. (you will also find spells to get rid of negative energies and emotions on the banishment spells page.
Daily Use Spells- these spells are helpful little rituals that help make your days go by a little easier. use them to calm tension, find a lost object, etc.
Protection Spells- i have many traditional protection spells as well as spells for travel, possessions, even pets. you can use a spell to protect you from something simple like the weather or from more formidable enemies.
Other Spells- these are the spells of mine that don't fit into any other category. this includes a few psychic spells or other random rituals.

The sources where i got my spells are on the bottom of each spell page. If you see a spell that happens to be yours or from a site you know and is not marked, let me know.

If you have any spells that you would like to see on my site, check out the submit page. thanks!