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Prayers to God and Goddess.
The Wiccan Rede.
13 Principles.
Days of the Week.
Animal Symbolism.
banishment spells.
healing spells.
relationship spells.
mood spells.
daily use spells.
protection spells.
other spells.

moon phases

I found this wonderful bit of information from SymbolArt.com. This list includes both animals and plants. Its origins are both Celtic and Native American in nature.

Abundance - buffalo
Accomplisment - swisher
Achievement - ram
Action - antelope
Action, direct - reed
adaptability - pronghorn
Agressiveness - badger
Attention to detail - mouse

Balance - hare
Banishing - elder tree
Beauty - swan
Beauty, hidden - frog
Beneficence - bull
Best in the fight - holly tree
Big picture - hawk
Binding - grape vine
Birth - armadillo
Boundaries - armadillo
Breakthrough - ram
Breath/Life energy - adder
Builder - beaver

Call to travel - goose
Calm - kingfisher
Camoflage - fox
Capable of reaching great heights - eagle
Celebration - bee
Change - owl
Chastity - hawthorn tree
Chattery - swallow
Cheerful - chickadee, meadowlark
Choice of beauty - apple tree
Clairvoyance - owl
Cleansing - hawk, frog, birch tree, hawthorn tree
Collector - magpie
Comforting - duck
Communication - seagull, catbird
Communication, unspoken - stork
Community - bee, prairie dog
Community Peace - martin
Completeness - alder tree
Conceptual - lizard
Confidence - bluebird
Connection - water dragon
Connection with nature - goldfinch
Courage - eagle
Creation through focus - crane
Creativity - spider
Critical, Discerning - owl
Cunning - fox
Cunning (with humility) - wren

Deception - owl
Delight - spindle tree
Depth - water dragon
Detachment - cat
Detail, attention to - mouse
Dexterity - racoon
Dilemma - seal
Diplomacy - fox
Direct Action - reed
Direction - boar
Discerning - owl
Discipline - ant
Discriminating - armadillo
Disguise - raccoon
Diversion - opossum
Doorway to mystery - oak tree
Dreams - lizard
Dreams, realizing - loon

Emotional - swan
Empathy - armadillo
Empowerment - rowan tree
Energy - fire dragon
Energy, female - otter, moose
Enlightenment - grouse, spindle tree
Ethereal - nuthatch
Everlasting - yew tree
Exorcism - elder tree, ivy

Faith - porcupine
Faith, grounded - nuthatch
Family relationships - grosbeak
Farseeing - giraffe, silver fir tree
Fate - blackthorn tree
Fate, new - cuckoo
Fear - rabbit
Feminimity - hind
Fertility - goose, chicken, rabbit, reed, willow tree, hawthorn tree, grape vine
Fidelity - goose
Financial wealth - bull
Fool - coyote
Fulfillment - bluebird, hawk

Gateway, the - blackbird
Gathering - squirrel
Generosity - sow
Gentleness - deer, waxwing
God, the - wren
Goddess, the - cow, horse, turtle, alligator
Good luck - martin
Grace - swan
Gracefullness - hind, duck
Grounded - turtle, nuthatch
Growth, new - robin, flicker
Guardianship - cat
Guidence - dog

Happiness - bluebird
Healing - adder, raven
Healing love - flicker HEALING POWER OF SONG AND VOICE - canary
Healing of old wounds - grosbeak
Helpfullness - otter
Helps rebirth - aspen (white poplar) tree
Hidden secret - honeysuckle
Holistic - ash tree
Humility - wren

Illumination - eagle
Illusion - dragonfly
Imagination - loon
Independance - stag
Infinity - goose
Initiation- raven
Inner and outer worlds - ash tree
Inner journey - meadowlark
Innocence - porcupine
Insight - air dragon
Inspiration - air dragon, salmon
Integration - fox
Intelligence - eagle
Interpersonal - otter
Introspection - bear
Intuition - hare
Intuition with instinct - bear

Jokester - coyote
Joy - otter, hummingbird

Knowledge of the occult - magpie
Knowledge, old - beech tree

Land, the - horse
Language - catbird
Law, sacred - crow
Leadership - boar
Learning - wolf
Life energy/breath - adder
life force, primal - hawk
link to inner self - heather, mistletoe
Longevity- crane Longing - seal
Love - seal, swan
Love, healing - flicker
Loyalty - dog
Luck, good - martin

Macrocosm and Microcosm - ash tree
Magic - raven
Magical - crow
Manifestation - hazel tree
Masks - raccoon
Mastery - fire dragon
Maternal - duck, the Sea
Maternity - dove
Medicine - frog
Mental agility - kestrel, roadrunner
Messenger - hawk
Metamorphis - butterfly, beetle
Modesty - bluebird
Motherhood - cow
Mulyiplicity - finch
Musical - canary
Mystic - blackbird, swan

Nature, connection with - goldfinch
New experiences and encounters - finch
Night vision - willow tree
Nobility - hawk, sparrow
Non-competitive - pelican
Nourishment - cow

Observant - hawk
Opportunities- catbird
Oracular - alder tree
Order - ant
Organization - bee, mouse

Parenthood - goose
Passion - water dragon
Pathfinder - wolf
Patience - crane, ant
Peace - kingfisher, dove
Peace within a community - martin
Perception - lizard
Personal power - earth dragon, horse
Personal Protection - oak tree
Personal vision - grouse
Plan ahead - squirrel
Play - otter
Positive Purpose - oak tree
Potency - bull
Power of song and grace - canary
Power, personal - earth dragon, horse
Power, primal - bear
Power, productive - goose
Power, proper use of - blue jay
Power, unearthly - horse
Prayer - buffalo
Prepared - squirrel
Prevention of illness - aspen (white poplar) tree
Pride - stag
Primal life force - hawk
Prophesy - dove, grape vine
Prosperity - kingfisher
Protection - dog, raven
Protection against enchantment - rowan tree
Protection of children - birch tree
Protection, personal - armadillo
Protection, solid - oak tree
Protective - duck
Purification - stag, vulture

Quantitative - inchworm
Quest, call to - goose
Rebirth - hare, bat
Recollection - hawk
Record keeper - whale
Rejuvination - salmon
Renewal - eagle
Renewed Vitality - cardinal
Reputation - skunk
Respect - skunk
Responsibility - seagull
Resurrection - beetle, cock
Riches - earth dragon

Sacred spiral - chickadee
Scrutiny - mouse
Sea, the - the Sea
Secret knowledge - crane, lynx
Seeker of truth - chickadee
Self, search for - ivy
Self-awareness - blackbird
Self-control - rowan tree
Self-determination - heron
Self-esteem - moose
Self-reliance - heron
Self-respect - skunk
Self-sacrifice - pelican
Sensitivity - frog
Sensuality - cat
Servant - dog
Service - dog
Sexuality - cock
Shadow, the - wolf, lizard
Shape shifter -crow
Sociable - starling
Song - canary
Soul - swan
Sovereignty - bear
Spiral of the self - ivy
Spirit - eagle
Spirituality - eagle
Stamina - elk
Stealth - weasel
Stillness - praying mantis
Story telling - goose
Straight to the source - hazel tree
Strength - oak tree
Sublimination - meadowlark
Subtlety - hind
Surefooted - mountain goat
Sweetness and delight - spindle tree

Teacher - wolf
Technical - road runner
Transformation - adder, butterfly, frog
Transmutation - fire dragon
Travel - horse
Travel, call to - goose, the Sea
Trickster - coyote
Trusting - porcupine

Understanding the energies of mother nature - blackbird
Unselfish - pelican

Verbal - swallow
Vigilance - goose
Vision, personal - grouse
Vitality - air dragon
Vitality, renewed - cardinal
Voice - canary

Warrior spirit - boar, elk
Watchfullness - crow, cock
Way to inner knowledge - honeysuckle
Wealth - bull
Weaving - spider
Wildness - fox
Willfull - magpie
Willing - magpie
Wisdom - owl, moose, salmon, nuthatch