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Banishing Spells

Spells on this page: Getting Rid of Bad Habits | Releasing Negative Energies. | Release Anger | Stop Gossip or Slander |

Getting Rid of Bad Habits.

Take a black candle which has been ritually cleansed and some anointing oil which has also been ritually blessed. Do not use anything for this which has not been cleansed or blesed already. Depending on the desired result, you should choose an oil which corresponds to this end. At the time of the new moon, or when it first begins to wane, cast a circle or use your 9' cord to create a sacred space. Place the black candle (preferable a taper) on the altar with the oil. Have no unblessed/uncleansed tools in this ritual. Cast the circle. Call the Goddess and her consort. Use a burin to engrave the candle with the spell you wish to cast. Now, anoint the candle using the oil. While you anoint the candle with the oil, speak these words out loud or silently "Tonight no moon, tomorrow the first one. Let this be eroded til my will be done. Candle burn down to remove all ill. Let this spell be cast by the power of my will." And once you have anointed the candle, place it in a safe place to it can burn down completely.

Releasing Negative Energies.

This is for releasing. Many times we will not attempt things, magickal or not because of certain fears, or we have problems that have plagued us for years because we simply refuse to let them go.

Find a sacred place, somewhere quiet, preferably outdoors, and with little disturbances.

Take the following items with you: candles (white and black), incense (sandalwood works greet, as does sage), food and drink (something light like fruit and water, or bread and cheese and water), altar items of personal choice, cleansing and consecrating tools. The food and drink is optional. Consecrate and cleanse your place and cast your circle.

Light both the white and black candle, the white on the left, black on the right, and the incense. Sit comfortably in the center of the circle.

Begin by doing a breathing exercise, inhaling slowly, exhaling slowly, and do this til you feel your body relaxing and centering itself. Once you have aligned your chakaras, begin to focus on your intent.

Some questions to ask yourself are:
What are my fears?
What can i not let go of and why?
Do i fear FEAR itself, if so, can i release it as well?
What do i wish to accomplish here today/night?

Once you have defined what your intent is, begin focusing on that intent being obsolved. To make this final, use the following chant to an appropriate god or goddess of your choice.

"O Sacred _______(diety of choice), I come to thee and ask that you accept this ________(whatever intent you are releasing). Do with it what you will. I no longer have need of it. It is no longer important to me. I can let it go. So mote it be."

Chant this three times. Visualize the negative energies leaving your body. After the third time, continue to remain in your meditative state for as long as you feel necessary. Focus on your diety dispersing that which you released. Feel it being destroyed and never allowed to return to you.

Once finished, you can eat and drink, keeping in mind that the gods have helped you this day, so offer them some of your food and drink. Once eaten, close your circle and leave the sacred spot. Come back to it often, whenever there is something else that needs to be released.

Spell to Banish Anger

Cast a protective circle near a stream or river. Take a black stone and cup it in your hands. Raise it to your forehead, concentrating all of your anger and projecting it into the stone. Throw it as hard as you can into the water and chant:

"With this stone
Anger be gone.
Water bind it,
No one find it."

Visualize your anger and negative energies flowing away from you with the water. You might want to meditate for a few minutes before closing your circle.

Spell to stop Gossip or Slander.

Start this spell on a Monday during the waning phase of the moon. While burning a black candle, repeat this verse 9 times:

"Let the tongues of my enemies be silenced
May their slander be cancelled
May peace be mine, now and evermore.
And in harm none, so mote it be."

Do this for 7 consecutive nights.

Sources: Brothers of Darkness. |